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I find my bliss when my grandmother smiles during one of our visits, when I meditate on God’s grace, or even when I come home, and my fourteen-year-old CockerPoo is still so excited to see me that he can hardly catch his breath. Bliss is a state of being that reflects how our highest inner selves are interacting with a particular experience. These moments of bliss are often preceded by specific experiences. Here are some signs that you’re on the brink of discovering your bliss:

1. You experience opposition.

We all have moments in life where the canvas of our perception reveals a reoccurring theme of rejection, lack, or opposition. But in every circumstance, there is a well of joy and fulfillment that follows opposition. The fullness of life is composed of opposing stages – seed and harvest, night and day, famine and feast. Just as a hard winter is called to gentle spring, the harsh conditions of life are called to change also. If it weren’t for the disappointment of divorce and the loss of a best friend of 10+ years, I wouldn’t know what good relationship choices and what a healthy friendship look like for me. What seemed like opposition back then has now become a guiding light that propelled me further into a destiny that is tailored just for me!

2. You see choices, not options.
Options tend to be nestled between the desire for more and the fear of having less. Options can disguise themselves as choices. But, options don’t unleash the possibilities or the passion that every human being needs to connect with our fullest potential. It is when we release fear that we begin to see choices – those that exist in the valley, around the valley, up the mountain, and down its other side that – that we truly position ourselves to experience our bliss no matter where we find ourselves planted.

3. You embrace solitude.
Either by our own conviction or by the irony of life’s imposition, we all, at some point, find ourselves set a part from the crowd. The good news is that solitude removes distractions and reminds us to trust that we are exactly where we need to be in our own unique journey. In my solitude, I love spending time in deep prayer and meditation. It’s time that I set aside to be with myself and with my Creator. It’s where I find peace in the fact that I’m the best person in this world to be me.

4. You have faith when it doesn’t make sense.
Faith makes room for God to move mountains and invert valleys. In faith, we realize our potential in times of adversity, when we are called to do more with less. Living with faith is the preamble to a new constitution for living a higher purpose that serves the world. Having faith is being true to the values and greater vision that the heart sees, even when our outer experience doesn’t prove that we should. Faith is moving to a place for no promised job or friends, but believing that it’s where you were called to be. I did this – twice – and the experience revealed vocations, friendships, and love that changed my life forever!

5. You decide to let go of the past.
The past is the eternal bench press of life. It requires energy to uphold, and it leaves you resigned to the bench under which the heaviness sits. After divorce and several moves, I chose to put the weight of the past in its appropriate place, arise from the bench, and move forward by grace.  By its nature, the past is not a state of being; it is a tense, a point in time that is opposite of the present. The two cannot coexist in the same moment. Letting go of the past can be as daunting as forgiving the actions of an ex-spouse or as annoying as forgiving your puppy for eating the freshly made sandwich that you carelessly left at the edge of the table. Forgiveness of the past allows the empty spaces of our heart to be filled by a joyful present.
Bliss is different for each of us. Stale perceptions of what bliss should look like keeps us from learning to accept what is. Acceptance is the cocoon of life, where we can experience God in the most intimate and transformational ways. Bliss, therefore, is not a destination. It is the journey that leads us to the moment that we accept and make peace with our own path, a moment of glory without form or judgment. This is your bliss.

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6 Replies to “5 Signs that You’re on the Brink of Discovering your Bliss”

  1. I enjoyed the post. It is so true that when we face our most toughest situations that we are to keep our faith and know that God is in the midst. We can definitely hold true that light is at the end of the darkest tunnel but we can also experience light through the darkest moments if we stay focused and trust. It’s definitely a new season! Very inspiring post!!!

    1. Thank you, cousin! I’m happy that the article spoke to you in such a personal way.
      Love you much!

  2. Congratulations! You’re such an excellent writer. Being honest with yourself is always best even when it hurts. You motivate me and I appreciate it. God is Good and He will take care of you. LU Aunt Bob

  3. This was an awesome article Brandy. Very profound and thought provoking. At times I felt like I was reading about my own life and feelings. Thank you for having the courage to put your feelings on paper and allowing your life experiences to be a canvas for others to draw upon. You have captured the essence of joy and peace that are the rewards of adversity and heartache.

    Continue to write and share your gifts with others. It has inspired me. I am proud of you and your work Brandy.
    Your Cousin,

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